Birthday boy in Barcelona |
Happy Birthday Chris!! xoxo
So back to Copenhagen... Here are some highlights from Saturday and Sunday's explorations with Margaux and Irena.
Saturday we hopped back on the bikes and headed towards Fredriksberg Park which has a castle and botanical gardens. But first we stopped for mandatory coffee and danish sweets at a little bakery and enjoyed breakfast outside in the sun.
(left) I didn't give Margaux enough credit for her nifty navigation skills in my last post, so here's proof that she was a master with the map all weekend. We really did end up where we were supposed to be most of the time... and even when we didn't it didn't matter because we always saw something worthwhile along the way.
(right) Photo courtesy of Irena: This was just one of many birds (a heron according to Chris) which we could get up very close to in Fredriksberg park. We had a relaxing stroll and sit in the sun before we had to head back to return our bikes.
Irena hanging out in the cafe connected to the bike shop. I just thought this photo looked pretty :-)

Photo courtesy of Margaux: (left) This is Mikkel our guide for the day. He's from the city on this sign and is a friend of Mgo's from high school. We had a really great time getting the inside scoop from a real Dane. He picked us up in his car (yes, they drive those too) and took us all over town. We saw the Opera house (on the upper right) Amalienborg Palace (where the royal family lives) and stopped into Fredriks Church. Then we headed towards the longest shopping street in Europe called Strøget (he was a brave man taking 3 shopping addicted women). Luckily we were distracted by a folk dance being performed by some high schoolers (right). Mikkel told us the name (something French?) but I can't for the life of me remember what it is.
We were good little shopping addicts and didn't give in to all the temptation Copenhagen had to offer. Mostly because we almost fainted when we saw the prices :-)
Sunday morning meant everyone's least favorite part of the trip... packing up and checking out of the hotel. After that it was off to find breakfast... or lunch... or brunch? We found a beloved little breakfast/lunch restaurant called Granola which served delicious fresh juices, cupcakes and mini pancakes. It didn't matter though, because once I saw they served chocolate/banana milkshakes nothing else in the world mattered to me.
Sunday is a day of free museums (at least a few are free). Since we had no money left anyway, this was great news for us! So we stopped at the Museum of Copenhagen first which turned out to be a really great find. They had an interactive exhibit which featured the effects of immigration in Copenhagen over the years as well as different view points of immigrants and the people who call Copenhagen home. If you're not already in love with Copenhagen, this exhibit just might convince you. Our next stop was the Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek. What the heck is that, you ask? (see photo on the left) It's a museum mostly made up of sculptures (lots of old people's heads), and ancient artwork... which is great fun and all, but I have to admit that after a weekend of sightseeing and baring just above freezing temperatures, it was nice to sit down and rest my feet in an artificial jungle. The building itself is worth a visit.
The last picture is just to show you how great kids living in Copenhagen have it. I'm sure if there weren't so much snow in Minnesota growing up, that my dad would have built a box on the front of his bike and carted me and my brother around too. Who knows, it may not be too late for that... what do ya think dad?
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